


Saturdays and Vigil of Holy Days: 6pm in St. Mary's Church, Buttevant.

Gluten Free Hosts

Are available at all Masses. Please go to the Priest for Holy Communion.

Eucharistic Adoration

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration in the Parish Church (St. Mary's) on the second Friday of each month from after the 10am Mass until 12 noon concluding with Benediction.

Holy Hour

This hour of guided prayer and meditation is held in the Parish Church on the first Wednesday of the month October to May. The hour is accompanied by hymns and inspirational music. The church is prepared specially to lend itself to an ambience of peace and relaxation.

Communion Calls To The Sick And Housebound

The Priest in charge undertakes to visit the sick and housebound of the Parish on the First Friday of each month and on the Wednesday preceding the First Friday. Should any parishioner wish to avail of a regular visit from the Priest, please make contact with the Priest and he will arrange this for you.

Station Masses

Station Masses (House Masses for local parish areas) are celebrated in the Spring (February and March) and in the Autumn ( September and October). These house Masses allow the local neighbours and friends to come together as a basic Christian community to celebrate their faith in the context of the Eucharistic Gathering supporting each other by personal witness and sharing. After the Mass there is the custom of sharing in some light refreshments and chat, allowing those who attend to catch up on family news and events.

Parish Radio

The Parish broadcasts all the many services which take place in St. Mary's church. In order to receive the signal, Parishioners will need to get a special receiver from the Parish. The signal reaches to most areas. This service is of great use to Parishioners who are either confined to their homes or those who are temporarily incapacitated through illness or injury. Parishioners can purchase the receiver outright or opt for a hire purchase. Parishioners can first test the receiver at their home to ascertain if the signal is sufficiently strong.

Pastoral Council

Working together the Parish Pastoral Council aims include: building good relationships; developing a spirit of prayer; listening carefully to the needs of the people of the parish; planning and deciding on a way forward; encouraging people to become involved; facilitating ongoing formation and training; communicating well; reviewing its work regularly and striving to being the eyes, the ears and the heart of the Parish.

Working together for this mission will require effective structures of co-ordination of all pastoral activities within the Parish. The Parish Pastoral Council is at the service of mission and evangelisation. It should facilitate the co-ordination of Parish services. It must also provide leadership in reaching out to young people and engaging them in their questioning about faith. Together we launch out into the deep, even if it gets us at times out of our depth and even into deep water

Together we can make our Parish a family with a unifying spirit; a family of God which is a welcoming home for all; a place where everyone can say "I belong here".

The Present Pastoral Council Committee membership includes: Chairperson: Finbarr Whelan, Secretary: Maura O' Connor, Members: Fr. Eugene Baker, Donie Carroll, Denis Cole, Kathleen Collins, Mary Corbett, Peggy Duggan, Gail Gyves, Dr. Michael Kennedy, Joyce Moynihan, Liam O' Keeffe, Lil O' Toole.

These members were elected during March 2016 and will serve a term of five years.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee work in collaboration with the Parish Priest to ensure that the finances of the Parish are exercised with diligence and transparency. The Committee will lend advice and remedy for the many challenges involved in maintaining sufficient funding for the basic requirements and planned projects for the Parish. The Committee will review the accounts of the Parish every year and propose guidance on the best way forward. The Committee will lend its support for major fund raising initiatives from time to time when large scale building or renovation projects need to be undertaken in the Parish.

The present membership of the Finance Committee consists of : Chairperson: Tom Sheehan, Secretary: Sean O' Sullivan, Members: Marian Fitzpatrick, Eliz O Regan, Eddie O' Keeffe, Finbarr Whelan, Brigid O' Connell, Lucy Corbett and Fr. Eugene.

Safeguarding Children

The Parish Safeguarding Committee work to ensure that the standards for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church are fully and comprehensively implemented in all Pariah activities where children and vulnerable adults are involved. The two primary areas of involvement for children and vulnerable adults are the Altar Servers and the Folk Choir. The Parish Safeguarding Committee regularly review the activities engaged by adults and children in these two ministries and liaise with the leaders to help and support them in their diligence to ensure that all the proper norms and regulations outlined in the Cloyne Diocesan Policy for Safeguarding Children and those in the Parish Policy for Safeguarding Children are implemented.

Link to Cloyne Safeguarding Children Website.